Patient Stories

I started to see Dr. Smith in late 2014, right after Thanksgiving. I had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis a while back and although I was taking medication it seemed to do little good. I was still overweight, sluggish, had aches and pains and often got terrible migraines. I had tried diets and exercising in the past, but nothing ever made me feel better and I found that I often gave up after only a few weeks. No matter what I tried, I was never getting to the root cause of my problems. But, after of few weeks of consulting with Dr. Smith, who was able to pin-point my issues better than the specialists I had seen in the past, he worked to develop a plan that was right for my body. I was amazed at the transformations I was seeing within myself and wow, did I feel great. Suddenly, I had more energy, was sleeping better, the aches and pains that I thought I’d suffer with the rest of my life were suddenly gone, and most importantly I had been migraine free since starting his program. I’m now four full months into treatment, and I have never felt better. I’m continuing to lose weight (down 30 pounds so far) and managing my thyroid condition through a diet that is right for me. I couldn’t be happier with treatment and guidance that Dr. Smith has provided me. Thank you Dr. Smith. – Renee M.

Dr. Smith helped me immensely. Due to Hashimotos, I could hardly function. I was suffering from many symptoms such as fatigue- falling asleep at work and while driving, body aches and pains, mood swings, weight gain, and serious brain fog. My endocrinologist’s response when I kept complaining of my symptoms was “well yeah that’s what hypothyroidism does.” So he would up my dosage of levothyroxine and let me continue to get worse and worse. Luckily, my mom found Dr. Smith and within just the first month of his 6 month program, I had lost 17lbs and was starting to feel like a normal person again. Now, at the end of my program, I am down 30lbs and feeling the best I’ve felt in a very long time. – Kristi L.

Dr. Smith is by far one of the most knowledgeable doctors I have met in any field of health care. He and his staff are consummate professionals who always put the health and needs of the patient as priority #1! I would recommend him, and treatment at his clinic to any patient seeking to truly improve their health and longevity! – Craig B.

I have been seeing Dr. Smith for weight loss. I honestly have to say that this program i am on has worked for me. I have lost 18lbs. in 5 weeks & am eating good clean healthy food & was taught how to continue with the program & keep the weight off. I have more energy and mobility to chase after my grandchildren. Thank you Dr. Smith. – Dante B.

No pills? No shots? No exercise? No counting calories? No measuring? C’mon Dr. Smith, you can’t be serious.

Well how serious is 32 pounds in 60 days? Yep. I followed the program and LOST THIRTY TWO POUNDS in just 60 days. It was incredibly easy to follow. I ate real food from the grocery store and ate better than I can ever remember eating in my life. Never hungry! I have tons more energy, my aches and pains are disappearing and I feel great!

I had tried just about every diet out there – even had bariatric surgery. I would always get discouraged with slow results or quickly gain back what I had lost. None of those diets teach you the right way to eat. After the last 2 months I can say that I now know what to do to either continue to lose weight or to maintain.

Many thanks to Dr. Smith for developing the program and for his time and encouragement. If I could give the program 10 stars I wouldn’t hesitate to do so.

GO FOR IT!!!!!! – Anita B.

I started my weight loss journey with Dr Kevin Smith on March 1,2022 . I have been on this program for 7 weeks now and I am thrilled to say that I have lost 28 pounds and inches off my body! Dr Kevin has helped me how to eat healthy ! He encourages me on days when my weight loss slows down and gives me tips to back on track Thank You Dr Kevin . If you want to lose weight and get healthy Give Dr Kevin a call. You will see results. – Barbara W.

This works, I did it for 60 days and lost 40lbs, Its a great program and allows you to learn how body fat gets burned. The weekly consultation is definitely a big help provided by Dr. Kevin Smith. You can stick to this because you see results everyday! Your friends and family will notice right away and your clothes will fit again, its an awesome feeling. – Brad K.

I was looking for a solution to loose weight, but also feel better. I have several stomach issues and Dr. Smith was able to taylor a plan just for me. I have been on the program for a little over 4 weeks and have lost 26 lbs. I feel healthier, and clothes are obviously feeling better. The big thing for me is that I have been trying to find a program that would help me get back to my goal weight and pinpoint what foods are affecting me in a negative way. My goal is to loose 80 lbs by next summer, but by the looks of it, I may end up loosing that by the end of summer. I highly recommend this program and group. – Lannette M.

After being told by three orthopedic surgeons that I would need to lose a minimum of sixty pounds in order to have a total hip replacement over three years ago, I struggled to find a solution.

It wasn’t until I heard a radio commercial on 3WS multiple times and the testimony of the DJ that I decided this program was worth looking in to.

In speaking with Dr. Kevin Smith, I made an initial appointment to see him in person to go over the program to see if this was a good fit for me. Dr. Smith went over the program in detail and I signed up immediately.

Since April 24th, I’ve lost 22 pounds following this program implicitly and I’m well on my way to having my hip replaced. Dr. Smith’s staff is exceptionally friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. This is not a “do it by yourself all alone program”.

I have osteo-arthritis in multiple joints and I am here to tell you that I am almost PAIN-FREE. I have a ton of energy, my clothes fit me so much better, and I’ve had no side-effects or illness since being on this program.

Don’t live with the pain of regret – call Dr. Smith and make the appointment to forever change your habits with food, change your life, and become another successful weight loss candidate.

With Belief – Gina B.

My family has a history of heart disease and since I was over weight I needed to lose weight. My goal was 40 pounds. I have tried other weight loss programs but that didn’t work for me. Dr. Kevin Smith program gave me the guidance I needed. I have been on program for 2 months and have reached my goal of 40 pound weight loss. I have lost weight and inches. I have gained energy and able to walk without heavy breathing. Dr. Smith’s team is awesome.They care. They followup weekly on your status. – Art L.

Dr. Kevin Smith has been a truly exceptional health and wellness resource for me for many years. From injury resolution to nutrition and dietary consultation he has always been thorough, thoughtful, accessible and effective in every way. I could not recommend him more confidently. – Lou R.

I went to Chronic Conditions Center in hopes to get answers on hormonal related issues that I’ve been experiencing for almost 3 years. Dr. Smith gave me an at home DUTCH test to begin. As soon as my results were available, Dr. Smith was extremely helpful going over and breaking down my test results. I’m currently working with him and his assistant Liz to decide the next steps I should take. This entire process was quick and simple. I’m looking forward to working with Dr. Smith and his team throughout this process. – Shannon D.

WOW….Dr. Smith CHANGED MY LIFE! It’s amazing how much BETTER I feel “in my own skin”! Thanks to THEM, for the first time in DECADES, I can fit into my clothes the way I “should”! They really DO “know the secret” to an incredible, safe, and permanent way to lose weight! For me…it was almost 40 pounds in roughly 60 days! And yes, EVERYONE has “noticed the DIFFERENCE”! I’m also healthier, have less pain, and more energy! (WHY did I wait so long to CALL THEM?) Again, they have produced “Life Changing RESULTS for me! Thank YOU Dr. Smith! 🙂 – Michael F.

Not only was Dr. Kevin Smith technically, and extremely knowledgeable about his discipline, but his sensitive bedside manner made me feel very comfortable and assured he would do everything possible to address my neurological concerns. Dr. Kevin Smith went above and beyond insight with his diagnosis of my physical and neural condition at that time of examination. He also provided assessment regimens I had never experienced before when being assessed by other neurophysicists in reputable institutions. Within moments of his diagnosis of me, I realized that I was being examined by an individual who demonstrated a physical, holistic, and homeopathic prognosis of what direction I needed to pursue to get back to a functional capacity. There need to be more Clinicians like Dr. Smith who see more than just a person/client but also a person he sincerely wants to help. – Jonathan G.

Dr. Smith is an outstanding physician with an extensive knowledge of chronic health conditions. His dedication to finding and treating the underlying cause of a patient’s illness is why he is one of the most sought after physicians in the country. – Ron A.

I highly recommend Dr. Smith. He’s very knowledgable and thorough. If you want someone to listen to you and get to the bottom of what is actually causing your health issue, this is your Doctor – Dan S.

If you are looking for a doctor, who can take you through a healing path uncovering the root cause of a chronic condition you battle, Dr. Kevin is your guy. His extensive knowledge of human human body physiology will simplify the process to achieve the results. Highly recommend. – Alex K.

If you’re looking for a caring health professional, I have no reservation about recommending Dr. Kevin Smith. Whether it be for back pain, joint pain, or even things like thyroid or weight loss; you’ll be in good hands. – Joseph M.

Chronic Conditions Center has been very helpful in my journey to improved health. Questions are always answered and they spend the needed time to explain everything. I’ve already made improvements with my health and hope to continue doing so. – Karen N.

Dr. Smith is extremely thorough both in rooting out the problem and explaining this. He was able to build a comprehensive response that help me move to a new level of health. Truly amazing! – Murray S.

The knowledge and expertise he brings in Functional Medicine and Neuropathy means your care is much more well rounded, with results in less time!!! Highly recommend you check him out. – Chris S.

He is a complete doctor in that he takes a full body, functional approach, rather than just treat symptoms. It’s refreshing to see a doctor that actually helps patients turn their health around and optimize it thru natural means. – Russell B.

Dr. Smith is the best. I have known him for many years. He is very knowledgeable and takes the time to listen to each patients needs. I highly recommend seeking him out. – Joe S.